The Absolute Best Technique Of Exercise to Lose Belly Fat Fast

There is an ongoing debate in the weight loss industry about the best exercise to lose belly fat. This has caused many men and women that are desperate to get rid of belly fat and lose weight a great deal of confusion. It all boils down to activity. Those people that take part in any kind of activity, whether it’s a simple walk around the block or an organized sport, are going to have a much easier time controlling their weight than a person that sits on the couch watching TV, with an open bag of chips in their hands. In order to find the absolute best exercise to lose belly fat for you as an individual, you have to participate in an activity that you enjoy, otherwise you won’t stick with it.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat – Phase One

Now that I’ve given you the obligatory “move more” advice, lets talk about a technique that I’ve found is the best exercise to lose belly fat. In my opinion, it’s a two part process. Very simply, you have to combine resistance training with low intensity cardio.

Resistance training is also known as weight training, but you don’t have to go to the gym a bench press 300 pounds. Any form of exercise that requires you to work your muscles at a higher than normal level of intensity is considered resistance training, whether it’s bench presses or pushups.

Why is resistance training the best exercise to lose belly fat fast? It’s all about the fuel. Your body fat is not a very good source of fuel for your body to use during your resistance training sessions because it doesn’t break down quickly enough to be used for fuel during the workout. However, your body has no idea how long you’ll be training, so the fat mobilization process begins nearly right away so it can be used as fuel later during the workout.

The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat – Phase Two

This is the part where things start getting really powerful for people that are working on getting rid of the unwanted belly fat. We now know that resistance training isn’t too efficient at burning body fat directly to be used for fuel, but low intensity cardio is great at it. Recently, low intensity cardio has been deemed ineffective as an exercise for getting rid of body fat, but I totally disagree. When it’s done the way I teach my clients to do it, it works amazingly well.

Because low impact cardio is an activity that directly burns fat, using your body fat as its primary source of fuel during a workout, doing it right after a resistance training session creates the best exercise to lose belly fat combination. You see, the resistance training starts breaking down and mobilizing the fat, and when the low intensity cardio is done, that mobilized fat starts burning off very quickly.

Do This If You Want to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Okay, I’m going to give you my best recommendation to get rid of belly fat fast. First, you have to commit to working out, either at home or at the gym, for no less that three days of the week. Studies have shown that most people are able to commit this amount of time in their schedule each and every week to an exercise program.

I recommend splitting up the targeted muscle groups over the course of your three training days. For example, on day one of the best exercise to lose belly fat program, target the upper body when doing your resistance training. You only need to do it for 20-30 minutes. This is enough time to mobilize the belly fat that will melt away in the next step. The next step is to start doing your low intensity cardio workout immediately after the resistance training. Low intensity cardio can be just about anything; activities like biking, rowing, jumping rope, and jogging are a few good examples. There you have it, the best exercise to lose belly fat once and for all.

Another thing I recommend is to check out the weird little “weight lose” video (it’s a short but extremely powerful weight loss tip), then visit Jeff Anderson’s site that’s filled with more tips and videos on how to lose weight fast.

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